Monday 6 May 2013

Best Boyfriend in the World

i finally found the time to blog about my new boyfriend :) the one i've been referring to as the "special someone"! He is really an amazing person, the nicest guy i've ever met in my whole lifetime.
There are so many things he's done for me and for people around him that i could list but if i listed every one of them i'll probably have to type until the day after tomorrow.

I know that many people have been wondering why i decided to go on with this relationship even though it's too fast since my break up. I really did think of being single for around 5 months after the break up but this special boy makes me feel like there's no need to do so, and i'll tell you why.

1. He can relate to me and he's damn similar to me
I swear i'm not saying this because i'm in love but i've never met anyone who could relate to me so well and is actually so damn similar to me. No guy friend or female friend can actually understand me as well as he does. He always knows what i'm thinking and what i'm planning to do even though he's only known me for 2 and a half months and we've only met 25 times. I could really have a blog post on 99 reasons why we're similar but i'll do it another time instead HAHA.

We've gone through the same shit in life, especially when it comes to what we faced in our own 3 year past relationships. Being neglected, taken for granted, putting in effort that goes to waste, never appreciated and so much more. That's just one out of the many similarities we have, but you can already know why that draws us even closer together.
We finally get to be appreciated and loved so much by another, and we just never want to hurt each other cause we really know how that feels. So amazing right?i know its damn amazing please.

2. We're damn crazily in love
I just know that i've never really felt this way towards another before. It's really so difficult to describe how i feel towards him cause everyone who reads this would just think "love lor,like normal boy-girl relationships" but no. It's just so different and the feeling is amazing. I felt as if he's really the first person i ever truly loved. Like,idk,it felt as though i've been lying to the guys i've dated when i told them "i love you".

We are just both so willing to give up practically everything and anything for the relationship. We just want to make each other happy everyday. We want to spend so much time together. Yup,people would probably think this is the honeymoon period or whatever. But i can feel the difference.

3. He's really the best boyfriend anyone could possibly find
and for this he says i'm the best girlfriend anyone could ever possibly have but i dont believe that part haha.i always feel inferior when compared to him and he feels inferior as well (ya i know we're fucking retarded we think the same shit all the time). I never knew someone could actually be so damn selfless? So caring. So sweet and loving. Just wants to make me smile no matter what it takes. He gets so troubled when i'm upset over anything and he is willing to do anything just to make me smile again even if i'm troubled over a small matter.

He sees the good in me and he accepts my flaws. I actually listed all my flaws (both physical and in terms of my character) to him but he still loves me all the same. Yup,i'm not a fucking idiot and i know that it takes time to see if he really can stand my flaws but i'm very sure that he can and i'm also willing to change for him. I actually have changed for him.

The one and only flaw he wants me to get rid of would be my low self confidence haha i know its a huge problem that i've had and i've been wanting to gain confidence for a crazily long time already but nothing really worked. But, this boy really assures me and give me bits (or actually huge chunks) of confidence every single day. He knows it when i'm self conscious over my physical flaws but he'll tell me that it's really fine etc. I don't know how he does it but i really do feel better from all of the assurance he gives me everyday.

Yup,people think i'm crazy if i say this but this relationship is perfect. Physical attraction, emotional connection, the crazily strong feeling we have for each other and just all our similarities and similar opinions and mindsets. I would never doubt his love for me and i don't think he would doubt my love for him (WONT RIGHT? D:)

I can't even imagine us arguing over anything except for things like who pays the bill,whether he can send me home,me telling him that his instagram photo is nicer and he'll say mine is nicer,insisting on buying each other things HAHA. If he proposed to me right now i actually would say yes. That's how sure i am of this relationship. I don't think i can ever love another person, i don't think i can ever date another person. I can never find anyone like him. My expectations would be so high only Ritche can pass them hehe.

We're a crazy and impromptu couple. We are willing to do anything and everything together so we do whatever that comes to our mind, no need to plan one HAHA. We've only been together for 2+ weeks and we've been to keppel bay to watch the sunset and look at the pretty moon, we've been to SEA aquarium together, we tried baking macarons but failed terribly but laughed it off cause we'll have a lifetime to bake them again, we've watch tons of movies in the cinemas together, quite a few drinking sessions with his friends and mine, met many of his friends and he met mine, met each other's parents, shopping, ice cream buffet, MBS and our failed gardens by the bay plan cause it was too hot we just decided to go somewhere else HAHA, playing quite a lot of pool and he's damn good, walking my dog that he loves so much and just spending so much time talking and having meals and ice cream everywhere in singapore together.

I'm sorry to say this but i think this might be the most amazing relationship you can ever find already. No one can be compared to us HAHAHA. I havent been so damn happy in my life before and he feels the same way too. Everyday we just keep thinking like,fuck yes,i'm lucky to have this relationship. I'm just so so so happy omg my life is complete :')

Thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend to me love, i could never ask for more.


  1. den wats gunna happen when u go uni there or are u nt planning to
    gr8 post btw~!!!!!

  2. anonymous 1: oh ya i wanted to blog about that part too but i completely forgot HAHA i'm not planning to go to uni anymore.going to set up my own business and teach piano full time!

    1. tell us more abt him - agEe?what's he doing now?

    2. Anonymous 2: i'll try to blog more about his background i guess'll see it in the next post!

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