Sunday 12 May 2013

Happiest Days

Omg i havent been updating for such a long time it's so weird.
I used to be so bored everyday and have nothing better to do so i keep wanting to blog but ever since Ritche happened (HAHA) i have been so busy!

We still have quite a number of plans ahead of us and i really can't wait! This includes like going to the Zoo, river safari? and batam, and random food trips, baking macarons this month. It's always damn fun to spend time with this idiot even if there's nothing to do. I just love being around him.

HAHAHA kidding he's just testing his new absolutely cool looking mouse! :) he damn good one,if i want him to quit right now he would,i know it hehe.

 I have been having worse self esteem issues lately. It's as if i cant stop comparing myself to other girls but NO its time for a fucking change already. Why should i let others affect me? Even if i'm the ugliest girl in the world it doesn't matter. I am definitely the luckiest and happiest right now.

This boy really knows how to make me feel better about myself not just with bullshit like "you're fucking pretty alr" etc. I don't even have to tell him what was bothering me, he knew even before i said a thing. Fucking amazing isn't he. Knows me for less than 3 months but already knows practically everything about me. Hehe love you this amazing shit.

Anyway updates, i won't be going to uni anymore. I got accepted and offered a scholarship but i rejected it! I don't really want to further my music education anymore. I really love teaching music but i think i had enough of music theory and history the thought of it makes me want to kill myself. Besides, it's not a full scholarship (they don't ever offer full scholarship) so like 200k for the whole music education in UK is way too much.

I just started teaching at prelude music school at novena and i have 2 private students. Will probably be having 2 more private students plus i'm starting on my online store asap! YAY.
I have bigger plans for the future and i really can't wait. My love is so supportive and willing to help me haha i didn't even ask for his help but he already made himself involved in everything i want to do. Best boyfriend really. Such people still exist leh, what the fuck, fucking amazing please.



  1. hi,r u goin 2 marry him?

  2. wat is ur weight? u look so slim.. 40kg??

  3. Anonymous 1: if i could i would! :)

    Anonymous 2: haha sensitive question,i'm not very slim i'm around 44kg!
